In the MAHABHARTA the father of PANDAV was the PANDU and the mother was KUNTI. KUNTI was the sister of VASUDEV who was the father of LORD KRISHNA and was named PRITHA. She was later adopted as daughter by the childless king KUNTI BHOJ and she was renamed as KUNTI. KUNTI was told by RISHI DURVASA about a MANTRA with the effect of which she became able to call any DEVTA and can have a child from them. Just to test the effectiveness of the MANTAR the KUNTI called the GOD SUN and when He came then she was having no alternative but to have a son from the Him. Though it was not from the sexual relationship but it was an advance case of cloning or surrogate mother. The KARAN was the eldest son of the KUNTI from the GOD SUN and since she was unmarried at that time so she drop the newly born baby in the water and one servant of the King of the HASTINAPUR brought that child out of the water and adopt him as his son. Later that child did try to get the education of the war heads from the GURU DRONACHARYA but he declined to give the child the education since he was not a SHATRIYA. Later that child KARAN took the education from the GURU PARSHURAM and become the fast friend of DURYODAN who was the son of the DHRITRASHTAR the KING of HASTINAPUR
Later on the other side the KUNTI got married to the PANDU who was the Prince of HASTINAPUR. The PANDU was having another wife also named MADRI. Once when the PANDU went to the forest for hunting and by mistake the PANDU attacked one RISHI who was enjoying with his wife. The RISHI gave a SHRAP to the PANDU that whenever the PANDU will go close to her wives with love then he will die. So the KUNTI had three more sons named YUDHISTHAR from the DHARAM DEVTA, BHIM from the VAYU DEVTA and ARJUN from the INDER DEVTA. She also told the other wife of the PANDU about that MANTAR and she had the two sons NAKUL and SEHDEV from the ASHVIN DEV. Later the PANDU died as when he tried to go close to his wife. The KUNTI did not disclose to any one about the KARAN the eldest son of her.
Ultimately when the famous war of MAHABHARAT was fought between the two cousin brother families then one of the main fighters from the KAURAV SENA was the KARNA. Though he knew just before the beginning of the war that the PANDAV were his brothers but he did not deserted his friend DARUDAN and just keeping in mind that the DARYUDAN has helped him in the bad time he fought with his brother PANDAV as the main COMMANDER after the BHISHAM PITAMAH and GURU DRONACHARYA. His main contender was ARJUN on the PANDAV’S side. Ultimately the ARJUN killed the KARAN and after his death the PANDAV were told by their mother KUNTI that the KARAN was their eldest brother.
Then the ARJUN become very angry from his mother KUNTI for concealing the fact from them and gave SHRAP to all the feminine that they will never be able to conceal any thing in future. So now it is considered that ladies can not conceal any thing in their mind for a long time